Spice up your lesson plan with our videos, online and downloadable activities

Are you looking for something to make your lesson just a little more engaging or to reach that student who didn’t understand the first time?
Some teachers are looking for a whole lesson plan, in which case, search from the menu on the right. If you’re that teacher who has something that works most of the time for most of the students and are just looking for a resource or two to update it, you’re in the right place.
Cards and Manipulatives
Sometimes students benefit from having a physical object to manipulate. Check out this page for a range of manipulatives – it includes links for both our augmented reality apps and the cards to use with them, printable flash cards and online flash-card-like activities.
We have a video library and like all libraries, it’s organized by topic. Select your category below to see the list of videos by sub-topics, for example, fractions or idioms:
Virtual Manipulatives
What can you manipulate online? This page includes random sample simulators for statistics class, graph paper students can use online to plot data and instructions for online charts.