Our first cohort co-designing games with educators will be wrapping up on December 9th. For our first game, we decided on the topic, Native American veterans. Our second cohort starts December 13th. Educators not only learn about teaching Indigenous and rural history with primary sources but also get experience with game design and using artificial intelligence for writing game narratives and creating artwork. Those who complete all three workshops and assignments can receive one graduate or undergraduate credit, paid by a Teaching with Primary Sources grant from the Library of Congress. You can attend all of the sessions on Zoom or attend the last in-person in Minot (held in conjunction with the Minot State powwow). Sessions are recorded for those who cannot attend live. Participants from over 60 miles from Minot will have their hotel room paid plus receive reimbursement for mileage.

If you’d like to join in our next cohort,
Fill out this short registration form
- December 13, 2024 from 6-8 pm Central Time
- February 21st, 2025 from 6-8 pm Central Time
- April 25th, 2025 from 10am- 4pm Central Time , Minot, ND (in conjunction with Minot State University powwow)
You can play the in-progress game here – https://sandbox.7generationgames.com/warrior_vets/
The target grade level for this game is grades 5-7. You can see one cross-curricular lesson plan that uses this game to teach history, math, English and even P.E. . There will be more lessons from teachers up next week as I get time to put them on the site.
You can see the play list from some of our previous workshops here.
Any questions? Email annmaria@7generationgames.com