CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.6.SP.B.5.C Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data were gathered.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print and digital texts.
β° Time
120 – 180 minutes (You may wish to use 2-3 class periods)
π² Technology Required
The games used here require a Chromebook, Windows or Mac computers or iPads.
π Summary
Students play three games that teach fractions and statistics. Students learn enhanced features of Google slides. They then create a Google slides presentation stating which is their favorite game and why.
π Lesson
0. Optional: Google Slides Basics
If students are not familiar with Google Slides, begin with the Google Slides Basics lessons. If students know how to create slides document, select a theme, add text, images, transitions and animations, you can skip this step.
1. Introduce the assignment
Explain to students that they will be playing three different educational games and making a recommendation for future classes. If there is only time to play one of these games, which should the teacher choose. A copy of the assignment is here with both Chromebook and iPad games included. Save to your Google classroom or other system and delete whichever device is not available to your students. If your students have access to both devices, no editing is required. Since their presentation will be made with Google Slides and they want it to be as convincing as possible, they should include images and video to support their points.
2. Play AzTech: The Story Begins
This game teaches fractions and basic statistics, integrated with social studies terms and Latin American history.
Allow students 10 -15 minutes to play the game.
3. Learn about Google Slides Advanced Features
This presentation has links to six videos beyond Google slides basics.

Click on the links on the left side of the screen to learn about:
- Modifying the theme
- Inserting video
- Adding effects to text and images
Allow 10-15 minutes to watch videos and start on their presentations.
4. Play Forgotten Trail or Fish Lake Adventure
Students play Fish Lake Adventure (iPad) a game that teaches fractions or Forgotten Trail (Chromebook), a game that teaches fractions and statistics.
Allow 10-15 minutes to watch videos and continue their presentations.
5. More Google Slides Advanced Features
Continue with more Google slides basics. Watch three videos on the right side of the screen on :
- Customizing with Word Art
- Publishing to the web
- Presentation notes
Allow 10-15 minutes to watch videos and continue their presentations.
6. Play AzTech: Meet the Maya
Allow students the option of playing AzTech: Meet the Maya or continuing one of the two previous games. Meet the Maya continues the game series that teaches fractions and basic statistics, integrated with social studies terms and Latin American history.
Allow 10-15 minutes to play and continue their presentations.
7. Finish !
It’s decision time. Students will select one game to finish for their presentation. Students who finish ahead of the class may play the other games.
Allow 30 minutes to finish the game they have chosen and continue their presentations.
8. Optional (extra credit) Present or publish
Depending on your class and your own objectives, you may want to end this lesson with students either publishing their presentations to the web or presenting in class and trying to convince their classmates that the game they have chosen is the one students should be using to learn next year.
Allow 30 minutes to finish the game they have chosen and continue their presentations.